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Laminova EC54 Oil Cooler Heat Exchanger with Single Core 329mm Long
Core diameter 54 mm. Guideline for EC54 coolers: Coolant flowrates > 120 l/min: No plug is normally needed.
Coolant flowrates < 120 l/min: A plug can be used.
The EC54 coolers (single cores) are compact, light and can handle very high coolant flowrates. As standard the centrehole is fully open, i.e. the cooler is then used for high coolant flowrates. The cooler can also be used in circuits with lower flowrates, it's then equipped with a centrehole plug or plug's with small openings, especially tuned for your applications.
These kits are supplied as individual parts which means the housings are supplied as blank which means you will need to tap them yourselves to attach the end fittings.
Other sizes and fittings can be made to special order, please phone or Email us sales@allports.nz or phone 09-579-0113